Sheldon Rogers
Barn ManagerWe would be in a mess without Sheldon at Venture Stables. Sheldon is one of the hardest workers you will find on Prince Edward Island. You can find him tending to the horses or working on a fence!
Sheldon grew up with horses and him and his wife Jackie both share the love for each other and the horses in their lives. When Sheldon is not working he enjoys fishing.
We are very grateful to have Sheldon apart of Team Venture Stables
Jackie Rogers
Certified InstructorWhat does Jackie Rogers bring to Team Venture Stables you ask? Her extensive knowledge in the Harness Racing Industry, her compassion and understanding of the horse, and her love of teaching beginner riders how to ride. Horses have been involved in Jackie’s life since she was a little girl and we are happy to have her a part of the team. Jackie received her Level 1 coaching with the Certified Horsemanship Association June 2018. She looks forward to teaching you!
Ella Campbell
Don’t under estimate the capabilities of this young Cowgirl.Ella is from Cape Breton and moved to PEI in March of 2017. Ella has been riding since the age of three. You will find her at the barn with her best friend Passion. Ella is an amazing horse woman and has many skills at her young age to share.
We vision Ella managing Venture Stables in the future.
Gracee King
Stable Assistant, Instructor, Best Daughter EverIf you ask Gracee if she wants to go on a trail ride her answer will always be… Is it going to be a running trail !?!?
Gracee is Jasmine and Marc’s daughter and she loves to go fast!
You will find her riding Jazzy (a barrel racing horse), or ABE the BABE (a retired Standardbred).
Gracee helps out on the stable and loves her horses.
Jasmine & Marc Bastarache

Jasmine’s Grandmother
Jasmine McLean’s childhood home was in Coldbrook, Nova Scotia. She grew up in the equestrian lifestyle as her mother and grandparents both had horses. Though her home was in Coldbrook, Jasmine spent most of her time 25km away at Grand Meadows Stables in Grand Pré, Nova Scotia. It was in this stable that Jasmine learned the basics of horsemanship and developed a heart full of love and respect towards the large, free-spirited horses. Her dream was to one day own her own stable, just like that of Grand Meadows.
At age 9, Jasmine owned her first pony. Goldie was a palamino and though advanced in age, was the epitome of beauty. Jasmine believed Goldie was nothing short of perfection- everything a 9 year old could want and more. Shortly after, the beautiful Palamino reached the end of her life. At 10 years old, as a Christmas gift, a still heartbroken little girl, was given Sir Joker, a black Morgan Quarter Horse.
Believe it or not, Venture Stables’ own cowgirl started off as an English rider. It didn’t take long for Jasmine to trade in her show jacket and breeches for a pair of cowboy boots and a sparkling belt buckle. In 2012 while living in Digby, Nova Scotia, Jasmine joined the Maritime Barrel Racing Association and just as her grandmother, began a journey as a barrel racer. It was also in 2012, when Jasmine started Cowgirl Up Tack Shop as part of a Summer project for her business program.
During this time, in Clare, Nova Scotia, 180km from Coldbrook, a young man named Marc Bastarache had grown up. With nothing holding him in place, Marc moved to Prince Edward Island to pursue higher education in the field of emergency medicine. In 1999, Marc moved to Digby, Nova Scotia. Not wanting to perform the same duties everyday without any variety, Marc started up a catering business and a fiddle shop. On top of his now three jobs, Marc also joined a celtic, East Coast band where he performed as both guitarist and vocalist.
In the year 2012, both Jasmine and Marc were living in Digby, Nova Scotia- unknown to one another and living two very different lives.
July 16, 2012, Marc noticed a frantic young woman trying to get her horses back into their paddock after coming loose. With no prior experience with horses, Marc stopped to help. So began the adventures of Jasmine and Marc.
In the next few months, Cowgirl Up Tack Shop really took off. Jasmine, with her three horses: Jasper, Starr and Chesney, her children: Keaton and Gracee and new boyfriend Marc, began travelling with the tack shop and started offering stable parties around the Maritimes. Eventually, Marc made the decision to move back to PEI. Jasmine, content with her accomplishments and the life she had in Digby, was reluctant to leave. Marc was given the task of finding a barn in PEI with 15-20 stalls, indoor and outdoor arenas and acreage for the horses. As fate would have it, Marc found exactly that in Freetown, PE. Soon after his big find, Jasmine and Marc made the commute to meet Larry and see Venture Stables. As Jasmine says, “There was just something about Larry”. One year later, in November 2014, Jasmine, Marc and Family, packed their bags and horses and moved to Venture Stables.
In the first few months, Venture Stables experienced the worst winter in decades. However, despite the cracked roofs, snow filled paddocks, inability to leave the property, no access to a tractor and various other unforeseen events, Jasmine and Marc persevered.
Summer of 2015, Jasmine and Marc exchanged vows at Venture Stables. Surrounded by children: Keaton and Gracee, horses: Jasper, Starr and Chesney, dogs: Soda Pop, Joey, Wilson and Bronco and many family and friends, The Bastarache family came to be.
Now the owners of Venture Stables, The Bastarache’s continue to embrace their love of horses together as a family. With all new obstacles, new friends, a barn full of majestic horses . Venture Stables currently thrives and has become a second home for many.

Guest Stars
Throughout the year, Venture Stables welcomes guests to host events and clinics with us. We’ve been fortunate to welcome guest stars such as Allan & Lisa Taylor of Taylor-Made Horsemanship, and Gayle Cartier & Janice Boucher from Cartier Farms.
To find out who we may have visiting us, be sure to follow us on Facebook so you don’t miss out on any of these amazing guest appearances!