Something Ventured ….Everything Gained

Lets take a look at what’s going on at Venture Stables …………..
When you are scheduled for a riding lesson please arrive at least 15 minutes early to give yourself some time to get your horse ready 🙂 Lessons are for 1 hour unless you have booked additional time. All lessons must be paid on the 1st of the month or the day of the riding lesson. Students at Venture Stables will learn the basic care and management of horses in a safe fun environment. Students will have the opportunity to achieve there rider levels through Equine Canada and join TEAM VENTURE STABLES in our “2017” Horse show season!!!!!! You can book lessons HERE .
Friday November 18th is ADULT night at 6pm. Reservations are required to confirm that you have a horse to ride. You can request a horse HERE
Hearts and Hooves Club is cancelled Saturday November 19th.
Saturday November 19th we are having a clinic at the stables. POTLUCK at 1:00. This is an open event from 9-5 and anyone is welcome to come and watch.
Sunday November 20th Susan Fraser from Fraser’s Equestrian Center will be here at Venture Stables teaching.

Some of Venture Stables Horses 🙂
Friday Saturday November 25th Adult night will be cancelled. Venture Stables will be joining the Summerside Santa’s Parade
Friday December 2nd is Professional Development Day at Venture Stables. YEAAAAAA NO SCHOOL !!!!!! Come and Hang out at Venture Stables and learn all about Horses:)
- All ages welcome to attend. No horse experience required
- 8am drop off and pick up 4pm. That is 8 hours of Horsie time !!!!
- Bring your own packed lunch
- Riding lesson included (please wear appropriate foot wear, shoe or boot with a heel)
- Cost is 50.00 per student. Families with multiple children will receive a discount
For more information or to register your child please do so HERE